PGE to Deploy EOLOS Floating LiDAR at Baltica 1 Site

Wind Farm Update

EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions has won a tender held by PGE Baltica for its Baltica 1 project in Poland, an 896 MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea that obtained grid connection terms in 2020.

EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions / Illustration

The Spain-based floating LiDAR provider has signed a two-year turn-key contract with the Polish offshore wind developer for a wind resource and metocean measuring campaign which is expected to commence in April.

Along with the Baltica 1 project, PGE has two more offshore wind farms that are in an advanced development stage, Baltica 2 and Baltica 3, on which it teamed up with Ørsted last year.

EOLOS was also awarded a contract for the Baltica 3 offshore wind project and completed a similar campaign for the 1 GW offshore wind farm in 2019.

“The rate of progress Poland has made regarding its commitment to diversifying from its thermal generation sources is instructive to other nations that have traditionally a coal-based generation portfolio. The decision to invest in a site-specific resource measuring campaign is a clear signal along the path of developing their pipeline”, said Julian Harland, Sales Director at EOLOS Floationg Lidar Solutions.

“We are naturally very pleased to be awarded such a campaign that will be a driver for the subsequent financing prior to construction, implemented via the strict application of the public tender process. This reference raises the profile of EOLOS in region, where we forecast additional opportunities from the Baltic states”.

While PGE’s two advanced projects were awarded contracts for difference by the Polish Energy Regulatory Office in 2021 and are scheduled to enter operation in 2026, the 896 MW Baltica 1 is being developed with a different timeline and is planned to be put into operation after 2030.

The Baltica 1 offshore wind site is PGE’s third concession area in Polish Baltic Sea, located about 80 kilometres from the shore.

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