CIP Places First Offshore Wind Order in Taiwan

Contracts & Tenders

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has contracted Century Wind Power to manufacture jacket foundations for two offshore wind farms in Taiwan.

Source: CIP

Century Wind Power will partner with Denmark’s Bladt Industries to build the jacket foundations for the Changfang and the Xidao wind farms off the Changhua Coast. The two projects have a combined capacity of 600MW.

The contract is subject to the projects reaching financial close, scheduled for the second half of 2019.

CIP is developing three offshore wind projects off the Changhua coast in the Taiwan Strait with a combined capacity of 1.5GW. The wind farms will feature MHI Vestas 9MW wind turbine platform.

Back in April, CIP selected Century Wind Power and Bladt as preferred suppliers of jacket foundations for CIP’s offshore wind projects in Taiwan.

In August 2018, Bladt and Century Wind Power formed a joint venture company, Century Bladt Foundation Co., Ltd., for the fabrication of offshore wind foundations for the Taiwanese market.