116 results found for 'south irish sea '

116 results found for 'south irish sea '
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  • 3 May 2024
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Business development, Fixed-Bottom, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, Research & Development

    Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, has launched the Future Framework for Offshore Renewable Energy, which provides a roadmap for Ireland to deliver 37 GW of offshore wind by 2050. The framework sets out the pathway Ireland will take to deliver 20 GW of offshore wind by 2040 and at least 37 […]

  • 6 May 2024
    Authorities, Business development, Planning & Permitting, Research & Development

    Ireland’s Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ray, has published the draft South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP), which identifies four proposed areas off the south coast of Ireland for offshore wind projects. The draft South Coast DMAP, Ireland’s first-ever spatial plan for renewable energy at sea, proposes that the first offshore […]

  • 22 May 2024
    Business & Finance, Business development, Collaboration, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development

    Corio Generation and Bord Gáis Energy have joined forces to explore offshore wind opportunities in Ireland. The agreement represents Bord Gáis Energy’s entry into the offshore wind market while Corio Generation is already involved in the sector and is currently developing the 450 MW Sceirde Rocks wind farm off the west coast of Ireland. “With […]

  • 10 April 2024
    Business & Finance, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    The joint venture company behind the 1 GW Gwynt Glas floating wind project is set to change ownership structure as EDF Renewables UK, which owns Gwynt Glas together with DP Energy, is entering into a partnership with Irish renewable energy developer ESB and UK-headquartered offshore wind investor Reventus Power. DP Energy will remain a development […]

  • 27 November 2023
    Business & Finance, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Octopus Energy’s generation arm has taken a 12.5 per cent stake in the 660 MW Walney Extension offshore wind farm located in England. Octopus Energy bought the stake in Walney Extension from AIP Management, the investment manager for Danish pension fund PKA and PFA. The wind farm features 87 wind turbines, each taller than the […]

  • 26 October 2023
    Business & Finance, Industry

    Vindkraft Värmland and Njordr, the Nordic developer, have sold 100 per cent of the shares in the joint company, Njordr Offshore Wind (NOW), to Statkraft. NOW holds a pre-permit portfolio of nine offshore wind projects in the Swedish economic zone with a total potential for up to 21 GW of installed capacity. The portfolio includes […]

  • 9 May 2024
    Fixed-Bottom, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates

    Western Power, an Ireland- and UK-based wind energy developer, is studying potential offshore wind areas in Croatia’s sector of the Adriatic Sea. Subject to plans taking off, as this is currently at an early stage, the company could develop a 500 MW offshore wind project off the coast of the country’s Istria County. In this […]

  • 30 November 2022
    Wind Farm Update

    Irish energy provider and renewable energy developer, Energia Renewables, has finished seabed surveys for the South Irish Sea offshore wind project, located off the coast of Wexford and Wicklow. The geotechnical and geophysical surveys, carried out over several months between April and October 2022, following the granting of a Foreshore Licence in 2021, measured important […]

  • 1 August 2023
    Collaboration, Contracts & Tenders, Outlook & Strategy

    Vårgrønn, a joint venture between Plenitude (Eni) and HitecVision, and Energia Renewables have formed a partnership to develop offshore wind projects in Ireland, with the potential to deliver up to 1.8 GW of new capacity by 2030. The partnership said that it will initially focus on Ireland’s south and east coasts, where Energia Renewables have […]

  • 15 July 2022
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Ocean Infinity has started a geophysical survey campaign at the South Irish Sea offshore wind farm in Ireland, off the coasts of Wexford and south Wicklow. The survey, which is carried out by the vessel Northern Maria, will last until 30 August, subject to weather conditions. For the survey, Ocean Infinity will utilise a multibeam […]

  • 21 July 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Fugro is set to kick off a geotechnical site survey campaign at the North Celtic Sea and South Irish Sea offshore wind projects at the end of July. Supply vessel Fugro Voyager is in charge of carrying out the work which will include a downhole cone penetration test (CPT) and continuous sampling boreholes with geophysical […]

  • 23 September 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Ireland-headquartered Energia Group has appointed Danish engineering company Ramboll to support the development of its North Celtic Sea and South Irish Sea offshore wind farms. Surveys examining the seabed conditions have been ongoing throughout 2022 and are now nearing completion and the data gathered from them will be used for the design and consenting processes which are […]

  • 29 March 2022
    Contracts & Tenders

    Energia Group has selected surveying and data services company Green Rebel to carry out geophysical surveys for its proposed North Celtic Sea offshore wind farm off the coast of Waterford, Ireland. Energia’s up to 800 MW North Celtic Sea project is one of the most advanced offshore wind projects in Ireland, the company said. The […]

  • 17 November 2022
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Irish energy provider Energia Renewables has finished seabed surveys for the North Celtic Sea offshore wind project, located off the coast of Waterford, Ireland. Following the award of a Foreshore Licence in September 2021, the geophysical and geotechnical surveys started in April 2022 and were completed in October. Green Rebel carried out the geophysical surveys at the […]

  • 21 September 2023
    Authorities, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    The UK Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero has granted development consent to RWE’s Awel y Môr offshore wind project off the North Wales Coast. The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited on 20 April 2022 and accepted for examination on […]

  • 23 December 2021
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    The Irish government has granted Statkraft a foreshore licence for site investigation in waters off Ireland where the company plans to build a 530 MW offshore wind farm. The developer submitted an application for the licence in December 2019, requesting approval to undertake site investigations at the project site located off the coasts of County […]

  • 11 October 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    A geotechnical site investigation campaign is set to begin at the proposed North Irish Sea Array (NISA) wind farm area offshore Ireland. The campaign will involve the deployment of seabed borehole drilling and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) equipment from a survey vessel at specific locations within the NISA offshore wind farm area. The geotechnical survey, […]

  • 17 January 2023
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) fund Copenhagen Infrastructure IV K/S (CI IV) and Statkraft have signed an agreement which will see CIP acquiring 50 per cent in Statkraft’s offshore wind portfolio in Ireland. Under the deal, the financial terms of which have not been disclosed, CIP will hold half of the stake in up to 2.2 […]

  • 20 July 2023
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Industry

    The North Irish Sea Array (NISA), one of the four offshore wind projects selected in Ireland’s first offshore wind auction, could end up overlapping with a bird protection area. The Irish offshore consultancy Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) voiced concerns about the government letting this happen and warned that the project is now at risk […]

  • 7 September 2023
    Fixed-Bottom, Project Updates

    Two offshore survey campaigns have been completed for SSE Renewables’ Arklow Bank Wind Park II offshore wind farm in Ireland. The surveys took place over an eight-week period during July and August. According to SSE Renewables, the surveys were completed on schedule despite unsettled weather conditions experienced over the last couple of months and were […]

  • 15 February 2012

    RWE Innogy, a German power company, has confirmed a six-month delay for two new ‘Seabreeze’ wind turbine installation ships. Built at South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding yard, the vessels are to be used for the North Sea and Irish Sea windfarm installations. Hans Bunting, RWE’s CFO said: “There were quality problems with the hydraulic jack-up system […]

  • 4 October 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    COWI has been selected by Statkraft as Owner’s Engineer for the North Irish Sea Array (NISA) offshore wind farm. The company will support Statkraft in preparing an auction application for the first offshore competition under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (ORESS-1) in Ireland. COWI’s scope of work will include foundation concept design, electrical design, construction, […]

  • 21 November 2022
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    A geophysical survey has commenced at the Oriel Wind Park project off County Louth in the Irish Sea. The ultra-high-resolution geophysical survey started in November and is expected to be completed by mid-December, subject to weather and operational constraints. The goal of the survey, which will be carried out by the shallow draft vessel Fastnet […]

  • 15 April 2021

    Irish Government is working on a new maritime planning bill that would remove the regulative and administrative challenges present under the current act and allow for faster realisation of offshore wind projects. The Maritime Area Planning (MAP) Bill will also establish a new agency, the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA), to regulate development in Ireland’s Maritime […]

  • 11 May 2023
    Authorities, Business development, Research & Development

    Statkraft and its partner Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have been selected in Ireland’s first auction for offshore wind under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (ORESS-1) to develop the 500 MW North Irish Sea Array (NISA) offshore wind project. NISA was one of seven offshore renewable projects issued with a Maritime Area Consent (MAC) last December. […]

  • 5 February 2021
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Iberdrola has agreed to take a majority stake in DP Energy’s 3 GW offshore wind pipeline in Ireland, marking the Spanish energy company’s entry into the Irish offshore wind market. The projects are located in three clusters on the east, west, and south coasts of Ireland, of which some will be eligible for the forthcoming […]