EEW Delivers Greater Changhua 1 & 2a Pin Piles

EEW Delivers Greater Changhua 1 & 2a Pin Piles

Wind Farm Update

EEW Group has completed the production and delivered 123 pin piles for Ørsted’s Greater Changhua 1 & 2a offshore wind project in Taiwan.

EEW Group

The production of the pin piles took place from December 2019 until the end of January 2021 at EEW KHPC in South Korea. The project was executed on time and with zero recordable incidents, EEW Group said.

The last pin pile left the production site on 27 January to be shipped from the port of Gwangyang to the final construction destination in Taiwan in mid-February.

EEW Delivers Greater Changhua 1 & 2a Pin Piles
Pin piles for the Greater Changhua OWF at Gwangyang Port. Source: EEW Group

The 123 pin piles have a total weight of 38,000 MT, with a maximum single pile length of approximately 83 metres.

“The development of renewable energy sources in the Asia-Pacific region is a role model for other countries. We are proud to be a part of Taiwan’s energy transition and we look forward to continuing with the successful business relationship with our partner Ørsted,” said Christoph Schorge, CEO of the EEW Group.

The Greater Changhua 1 & 2a offshore wind farms are located 35-60 km off the west coast of Taiwan and have an installed capacity of 900 MW.

The wind farms will feature 111 Siemens Gamesa 8 MW turbines installed on jacket foundations some 35 to 50 kilometres offshore.

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The wind farm is scheduled to be built in 2022 and, once operational, will be able to supply around one million Taiwanese households with electricity.