Crown Estate Scotland Revises Seabed Leasing Timelines

Crown Estate Scotland has decided it will launch the next round of offshore wind leasing in Scottish waters in July 2019 at the earliest.

Crown Estate Scotland

The decision comes despite the announcement in November 2018 that the leasing round will be launched in April at the earliest.

According to Crown Estate Scotland, the final timing of the leasing will be linked to Marine Scotland’s preparation of a Sectoral Marine Plan.

In case the leasing is launched in July and that the adopted plan is available some nine months later, interested parties will have six months for preparation of applications, with the submission deadline in January.

The offer of option agreements to successful applicants and the commencement of clearing would take place in April 2020. The offer of option agreements through clearing would occur in September 2020, with the earliest commencement of the second cycle of leasing then expected in July 2021.

Crown Estate Scotland said it will set out further information for those who plan to apply in the April 2019 update, which will indicate the type and level of information for applications.

The new offshore wind leasing round, called ScotWind Leasing, is distinct from The Crown Estate’s Round 4 process for waters offshore Wales, England and Northern Ireland.