First Hohe See Foundation Up

Ports & Logistics

Swire Blue Ocean’s wind turbine installation vessel Pacific Osprey has installed the first monopile foundation on the 497MW EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.

Image source: EnBW
Image source: EnBW

In total, Pacific Osprey will install 71 monopile foundations on the Hohe See wind farm, and 16 foundations on the neighbouring 112MW Albatros wind farm, also being developed by EnBW.

The jack-up loaded the first monopiles and transition pieces for the wind farm at the Port of Vlissingen in the Netherlands last week.

The two wind farms will comprise 87 Siemens Gamesa 7MW wind turbines installed some 95 kilometres north of Borkum and 100 kilometres northwest of Helgoland.

The installation of the foundations and the transformer station, and the laying of the wind farm’s cables is expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

Both wind farms are scheduled for commissioning in 2019.