VBMS to Interconnect EnBW Hohe See and Albatros

Wind Farm Update

After EnBW recently reached the final investment decision for the 112MW Albatros offshore wind farm and awarded the Tier 1 supply contracts, VBMS – in charge of inter-array cabling – informed that part of the scope is to interconnect Albatros and EnBW Hohe See.

Image: VBMS

The Albatros contract includes the supply, installation and burial as well as termination and testing of nineteen 33kV inter-array cables.

The cable installation activities are scheduled for 2019, following the installation of 79 inter-array cables for the nearby 497MW EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm.

The 11-square-kilometre Albatros offshore wind farm is located in the so-called ‘exclusive economic zone’ of the German North Sea, adjacent to EnBW’s Hohe See offshore wind farm.

The two wind farms will feature a total of 87 Siemens SWT-7.0-154 wind turbines with a combined capacity of 609MW.