Australia: CWE to Supply Desalination Plant with Renewable Power

Australia: CWE to Supply Desalination Plant with Renewable Power

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited (CWE) announces that it has been advised by Water Corporation that it wishes to progress discussions for up to 2MW of renewable energy supply for Southern Seawater Desalination Plant (SSDP) exclusively with Carnegie.

The Water Corporation is open to either a short term or long term electricity supply arrangement, subject to the parties agreeing satisfactory commercial terms.

The Water Corporation announced in August 2011 that the SSDP would purchase renewable energy from the Greenough River Solar Farm and the Mumbida wind farm. These existing supply arrangements include a provision to accommodate the supply of electricity by Carnegie to the SSDP.

Carnegie has previously announced alternative power off-take options for its Perth Wave Energy Project including the Australian Department of Defence.

A decision on the final power supply arrangements for Carnegie’s Perth Wave Energy Project is expected shortly.


Offshore WIND staff, July 5, 2012; Image: Carnegie