North America’s First Offshore Wind Assessment Buoy (USA)

Fishermen’s Energy, LLC has recently confirmed their reputation as a leading innovator in the field of offshore wind farm development by purchasing the first of AXYS Technologies’ WindSentinel™ wind resource assessment buoys to be deployed in North America.

The million dollar WindSentinel™  represents a substantial cost saving over ocean-based meteorological masts, which cost $5 – $10 million, take a season to build, and require significant regulatory approval. As a floating platform, the WindSentinel™ can be built and deployed within six months of order and still provide the high level of accurate data required by the project.

We are very pleased to work with Fishermen’s Energy in their drive to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States” says Graham Howe, International Business Development for Renewable Energy of AXYS Technologies. “Fishermen’s has recognized the opportunity to collect accurate data at the significant cost saving that the WindSentinel offers.”

It is important at this stage of the project that data gathered can be used by Fishermen’s Energy to support future funding and development for the project, known in the industry as “bankable data”. Fishermen’s has already installed the WindSentinel’s Vindicator® Laser Wind Sensor (LWS) onshore next to a traditional calibrated meteorological tower in order to verify accurate wind data. The WindSentinel™ buoy will be deployed close to an onshore meteorological tower for a period of time to confirm the data quality prior to the final deployment at the site of Fishermen’s planned 66 turbine wind farm in federal waters 12 miles off the coast of Atlantic City. The WindSentinel™ buoy will collect data not only for wind resource assessment, but will also acquire a full range of environmental and weather data, including avian activity.

We are excited about working with AXYS Technologies and are very anxious to see the wind assessment data” said Mike Madia, Chief Operating Officer of Fishermen’s Energy. “We are grateful to the state of New Jersey and specifically the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“NJ BPU”) for their continued support of the development of the Offshore Wind industry.” Madia continued. Fishermen’s Energy was one of three developers to receive a Rebate from the NJ BPU to collect and analyze wind data.

There is significant offshore wind potential along the Atlantic Coast. According to the United States Department of Interior, the greatest offshore wind energy potential in the US lies off the Atlantic Coast, and could ultimately provide one quarter of national electricity demand.

Fishermen’s Energy was founded by East Coast commercial fishermen to respond to the public’s need to develop the ocean for renewable wind energy. Fishermen’s goal is to turn the North Atlantic coastal waters into an unmatched source of clean energy, while maintaining a vibrant commercial fishing industry. Fishermen’s Energy intends to harvest the wind and the sea, side by side, in an environmentally responsible manner.

AXYS Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, distributes and maintains remote environmental data acquisition, processing and telemetry systems


Source: AXYS , March 15, 2011