Landinfra Exploring 8 GW of Offshore Wind Potential in Sweden

Business development

Renewable energy developer Landinfra Energy is exploring the conditions for the development of up to 8 GW of offshore wind in the Swedish economic zone and Swedish territorial waters.

Landinfra Energy

The company has selected nine areas along the Swedish coast where the conditions for offshore wind will be investigated.

The areas are Falkenberg/Halmstad, Baltic Edge, Öland/Hoburg (three subareas), Slite, Oxelösund, Hudiksvall, and Sundsvall.

The company said that they chose the nine areas, which have a potential for an installed capacity of between 5 GW and 8 GW, based on criteria such as community interests, proximity to grid connection, greater existing or planned electricity consumption, reasonable investment costs, the possibility of a relatively low production cost, and natural values.

“Weighing wind power projects against different natural and social interests and producing the studies needed for an environmental impact assessment and permit application is a process that can take years,” said Marcus Landelin, CEO and Co-founder of Landinfra.

“We are now initiating that process and thereby also the dialogue with the relevant authorities and stakeholders in order to create the best conditions for an expansion of renewable electricity production for Swedish consumers.”

In addition to the nine areas, Landinfra has outlined a number of alternative locations for offshore wind within the Swedish economic zone and Swedish territorial waters.

latest news

Sweden was one of the nine members of the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) that agreed to reach at least 260 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050.

In April, the Swedish Energy Agency issued a report that provides a basis for the country’s marine planning to enable 120 TWh of offshore wind production (or 30 GW in generation capacity).

The new areas identified within the Swedish Energy Agency’s report are located in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia and already have other uses assigned to them.


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