A photo of the Beatrice offshore wind farm in Scotland

Siemens Gamesa to Service Beatrice Offshore Wind Turbines for 10 More Years

Contracts & Tenders

SSE Renewables and Siemens Gamesa have signed a new service agreement for the Beatrice offshore wind farm, which will see Siemens Gamesa continuing to service and maintain its wind turbines until 2034.

A photo of the Beatrice offshore wind farm in Scotland
Beatrice offshore wind farm; Source: SSE Renewables

The 588 MW offshore wind farm comprises 84 Siemens Gamesa’s SWT-7.0-154 wind turbines, the last of which was installed in May 2019.

The wind turbine manufacturer has been operating on the offshore wind farm out of its base in Wick since the summer of 2019, when the company took over operational control of the scheduled maintenance and troubleshooting of the turbines.

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Chris Randle, Siemens Gamesa’s CEO for Service in Northern Europe and the Middle East, said: “Being part of a project that is making a huge contribution to the UK’s Net Zero targets is a challenge that we both welcome and enjoy and look forward to the next 10 years as part of the Beatrice team”.

The GBP 2.5 billion Beatrice project is owned by SSE Renewables (40 per cent), Red Rock Power (25 per cent), The Renewables Infrastructure Group (17.5 per cent), and Equitix (17.5 per cent).


SSE Renewables led the construction process and is managing operations and maintenance (O&M) of the 588 MW offshore wind farm from its base in Wick.

The company has also just awarded a five-year framework agreement for ad hoc services for the Beatrice offshore wind farm to the UK company Stowen Clean Energy. A few months ago, Stowen also won a framework agreement to provide inspection services to both Beatrice and SSE’s Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm in the UK.

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