China Tests Hydrogen Production Through Direct Seawater Electrolysis at Xinghua Bay OWF


Hydrogen production technology with the direct seawater electrolysis method has been tested at Xinghua Bay offshore wind farm in Fujian, southeast China.


According to reports by the Beijing-based state-run foreign-language news channel, CGTN, this world’s first test to produce hydrogen by in-situ direct electrolysis of hydrogen production technology without desalination of seawater was conducted on 2 June and verified by a team of experts from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).

The test was conducted using Dongfu No.1, a floating offshore platform for hydrogen production jointly developed by a team led by Xie Heping, CAE’s academician, and Dongfang Electric Corporation.

Dongfang pointed out that the platform integrates on-site hydrogen production, smart energy conversion management, safety monitoring, and control, as well as loading and unloading systems.

It was reported that the platform had been stable for more than 240 hours after enduring the test of force eight wind speeds, one-metre-high waves, and a rainstorm, validating the feasibility and stability of direct seawater electrolysis technology in a real ocean environment.

In the rest of the world, several projects are also underway to connect hydrogen production with offshore wind power. For instance, in Europe, Subsea 7, in collaboration with OneSea Energy, secured £150,000 (around $187,000) in funding from the Scottish government to investigate pairing a large-scale floating hydrogen production system with a floating wind farm offshore Scotland.

In the US, New York recently launched a $10 million solicitation for clean hydrogen research, development and demonstration projects, including clean hydrogen production and integration with renewable energy such as offshore wind.

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