Statkraft and Aker Come Together for Offshore Wind in Norway

Business & Finance

Statkraft, Aker Offshore Wind and Aker Horizons have signed a cooperation agreement to explore offshore wind opportunities in Norway.

Statkraft (Illustration)

The companies will work together to explore the possibility to develop, operate and deliver power from commercial-scale offshore wind projects in Norway. 

The cooperation will investigate the opportunity for bottom-fixed offshore wind at the Sørlige Nordsjø II (SN2) offshore wind area that the Norwegian government announced last year.

Statkraft and Aker will for SN2 establish an integrated project team for joint preparation and submission of an acreage application and further development activities.

“By entering a cooperation with Aker Horizons and Aker Offshore Wind, we are exploring a value-creative opportunity in Norway,” said Statkraft CEO Christian Rynning-Tønnesen.

“Strong growth, falling technology costs and a changed competitor landscape indicates that offshore wind will take a larger role in the European energy transition; therefore, we see the cooperation with Aker as an opportunity for substantial value creation and accelerate Europe’s green transition.”

Last summer, Aker revealed it will, with a strategic partner, seek to develop two projects with a combined capacity of 1.7 GW at the Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II offshore wind areas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The SN2 area could potentially be the site of the 1.2 GW Sønnavindar project, located in water depths ranging from 50 to 70m.