Trianel Windpark Borkum II Turbines Halfway There

Wind Farm Update

The Trianel Windpark Borkum II (TWBII) offshore wind project has reached the halfway turbine installation point as 16 out of 32 units have been erected.

Trianel Windpark Borkum II
Source: Trianel Windpark Borkum II

Jan De Nul’s jack-up vessel Taillevent installed the 16 Senvion 6.2M152 turbines in the northeastern part of the project site offshore Germany, with the installation of the remaining 16 units now continuing on the other side of the transformer platform.

According to the project developer, the 200MW wind farm will not be completed by the end of 2019 as initially planned, but in the first half of 2020.

Taillevent is picking up the Senvion turbines at Buss Terminal Eemshaven in sets of three and installing them at the site some 40km north of the island of Borkum.

Trianel Windpark Borkum II, the developer of the project, is owned by EWE AG (37.5%), a joint venture of the power utility of the city of Zurich (24.51%) and the Stadtwerke-Kooperation Trianel together with 17 municipal utilities from Germany (37.99%).

Trianel Windpark Borkum II
Source: Trianel Windpark Borkum II