Haliade X- 12MW Prototype Stands Complete


The third and final 107m blade has been installed on the prototype GE Haliade-X 12MW offshore wind turbine in Maasvlakte, the Port of Rotterdam.

Haliade X- 12MW Prototype Stands Complete
Source: Port of Rotterdam/Screenshot

The first blade was installed on the Haliade-X 12MW turbine located at Sif’s Maasvlakte 2 terminal on 14 October, with the second piece following the day later.

LM Wind Power manufactured the 107m blades, the world’s largest, at its plant in Cherbourg, France. The first piece was rolled out in June.

GE Renewable Energy decided to install the Haliade-X 12MW onshore to facilitate access for testing. It is expected to allow the collection of data during the initial period of operations which is necessary to obtain the Type Certificate in 2020 and ship first commercial units in 2021.