Triton Knoll O&M Base Breaks Ground

Operations & Maintenance

Work to construct a new offshore construction and operations base for Triton Knoll has officially started at Grimsby’s Royal Dock as UK based contractor Tolent gets started on site.


Having been awarded the contract last month, Tolent has now begun work to construct control room, office and warehouse facilities that will become the new operations and maintenance base for the 857MW offshore wind farm.

Coinciding with the start of construction, a recruitment drive to secure the first 20 of the technician roles is also due to begin this month, with the aim to having the first post holders based out of Grimsby by the end of this year.

“This work in Grimsby represents an exciting phase for Triton Knoll, as it establishes our long-term home in the region, and prepares the way for the start of offshore construction which will begin in early 2020,” Julian Garnsey, project director for Triton Knoll and innogy, said.

Triton Knoll will consist of 90 MHI Vestas turbines, each with a maximum installed capacity of 9.5MW. The wind farm is owned by innogy, J-Power, and Kansai Electric Power, with innogy managing the construction as well as the long-term operation and maintenance works on behalf of its project partners.

The port will support regular, long-term vessel movements including service operations vessels and crew transfer vessels once work finishes on site in July 2020. Tolent will also install an 800m2 modular building and associated services to accommodate the quayside operations, along with a car park for the offshore wind farm.