PPAs Signed for Three Offshore Wind Projects in Taiwan

PPAs Signed for Three Offshore Wind Projects in Taiwan

Wind Farm Update

Taipower has signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) with China Steel Corp (CSC) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) for three offshore wind projects, the local media reported.

CIP/ For illustrative purposes only.

The PPAs were signed for the 300MW Chong Neng project, developed jointly by CIP and CSC, as well as for CIP’s 552MW ChangFang and 48MW Xidao, all located offshore the Changhua County.

Under the 20-year agreements, a tiered feed-in tariff (FIT) has been set to buy the energy at a higher price in the first ten years before it is reduced in the second decade, the Taiwanese Central News Agency said.

The agreed rate for the first decade is TWD 6.2795kW/h set to later be lowered to TWD 4.1422kW/h, Taipei Times reported Taipower as saying.

To remind, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) awarded grid capacity to the three projects back in April last year. Shortly after, CIP and CSC signed preferred supplier agreements with MHI Vestas.

Offshore WIND has contacted CIP for more information and comments on the matter.