Suction Bucket Triumph at Borkum Riffgrund 2

Ports & Logistics

GeoSea’s jack-up vessel Innovation has installed the last of the twenty suction bucket jacket foundations on Ørsted’s 450MW Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.

Source: Ørsted / Matthias Ibeler
Source: Ørsted / Matthias Ibeler

The wind farm now has all of its suction bucket foundations, as well as the 36 monopile foundations, installed.

Innovation transported the first suction bucket jacket from Cuxhaven and installed it on the site some 54 kilometres off the coast of Lower Saxony in early June. The final jacket foundation was installed on Monday, 30 July.

The installation of the wind farm’s 56 MHI Vestas 8MW turbines is already underway and is expected to be completed during the third quarter of 2018, Ørsted said.

The full commissioning of the wind farm is planned for early 2019.