Sif & Smulders Bag Albatros OWF Foundations Deal

Wind Farm Update

GeoSea has awarded Sif the production of all monopiles and, in joint venture with Smulders, all the transition pieces for the EnBW Albatros offshore wind farm in Germany.

Illustration (Photo: Sif / Paul Martens)

The company will produce the monopiles and, in joint venture with Smulders, will produce the transition pieces whereby Sif will produce the primary steel and Smulders will be responsible for the secondary steel and outfitting of the transition pieces.

The announcement on signing this contract comes only several days after Seaway Heavy Lifting (SHL) awarded Sif, again in a joint venture with Smulders, the production of all monopiles and transition pieces for the Trianel Windpark Borkum II (TWB II) offshore wind farm, also in Germany.

As subcontractor of Siemens, GeoSea is responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the foundations for the EnBW Albatros offshore wind farm. The offshore wind farm is located in the immediate vicinity of the EnBW wind farms Hohe See and He Dreiht, approximately 90 kilometres north of the island of Borkum in the German North Sea.

The Albatros project will cover an area of around 11 square kilometres with water depths of up to 40 meters and will feature 16 turbines of type Siemens SWT-7.0-154 with a total installed capacity of 112MW.

The offshore wind farm will be constructed together with EnBW Hohe See, for which Sif and Smulders were awarded the foundations production contract earlier this year.

Sif stated that its orderbook for 2018 now covers 129 Kton in signed contracts.