Zeeland Seaports Kicks Off Westhofkade Extension

Business & Finance

Zeeland Seaports recently made a start on work to extend the Westhofkade. BOW Terminal, Zeeland Seaports will extend the existing 300-metre quay by around 175 metres. The quay is expected to be ready for use in mid-2015.

The Zeeland ports occupy a prominent position when it comes to the storage and handling of project cargo for the offshore industry. In the past few years, various large offshore wind projects have been realized from Vlissingen. Several Zeeland companies are active in this market and are continually expanding their operations. As port authority, Zeeland Seaports tries to assist where possible. In order to offer BOW Terminal extra quay capacity, Zeeland Seaports therefore commissioned BAM Infra to extend the quay in the Westhofhaven.

Following a period of preparation, tenders were invited in February of this year for the “extension of Westhofkade”. The construction of the quay is the same as the existing one, with the new quay designed to withstand a maximum load of 5 tonnes/m2. A reinforced section will also be built, for a maximum load of 15 tonnes/m2. Vessels with a draught of up to a maximum 10.5 metres will be able to moor at the quay.

At the front, the structure consists of a combi-wall (wall of tubular piles and sheet piles). On top of this, there will be a concrete floor with quay wall. At the back, this will have concrete foundation piles and steel tension piles.

BAM Infra will be responsible for building the quay. The dredging work for the quay will be tendered separately. Work has been under way since June. In addition to the construction of the work site, a start was made on digging the foundation pit and setting up a pumping system to keep the foundation pit dry. Recent rainfall proved an extra challenge in this respect. Subsequently, in August, the pile-driving work for the sheet pile wall and the other foundation elements began.

If all goes according to schedule, dredging work can begin in mid-March 2015. Following the dredging work, the quay will be finished off with steps and cathodic protection, after which it will be able to welcome the first ship in mid-2015.

Press release; Image: zeelandseaports