Australia: Pile Foundations for CWE's Perth Project Manufactured

Australia: Pile Foundations for CWE’s Perth Project Manufactured

Australia: Pile Foundations for CWE's Perth Project Manufactured

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited (CWE) announces that the manufacture of the pile foundations for the Perth Project is complete.

Australia: Pile Foundations for CWE's Perth Project Manufactured
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Victorian-based energy and resources sector supplier, Keppel Prince Engineering Ltd (Keppel), who were awarded the contract to supply and fabricate the materials for the structural pile foundations in July 2013, have now completed the manufacture of these items.

The installation of the pile foundations is on track and scheduled for Quarter 4, 2013. Carnegie’s installation contractor, Fugro Seacore (Australia) has also now confirmed the safe arrival of the foundation installation vessel, the Ensung – a self-elevating platform – to the Australian Maritime Complex (AMC) in Henderson, Western Australia. The Ensung will be fitted out over the coming weeks in preparation for the foundation installation.

Australia: Pile Foundations for CWE's Perth Project Manufactured
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Additionally, Carnegie has received payments totalling $387,810 from the Western Australian and Australian Federal Governments for the completion of foundation milestone 4a under its LEED and ARENA grants respectively.

Carnegie’s Planning Engineer, Neil De Tisi, said:

“Keppel were chosen to supply and fabricate the foundations and installation aids for the Perth Wave Energy Project. We are very pleased that Keppel were able to deliver a high quality product and keep to a demanding project schedule.”

Keppel’s Business Development Manager, Michael Dawson said:

“We are very excited to be working with Carnegie on delivering what will be a world first wave energy project. Keppel Prince is committed to delivering a high quality product safely and on schedule. We place a high value on this opportunity to continue our participation in renewable energy product manufacture with Carnegie Wave Energy.” 


Press release, October 7, 2013; Image: CWE