First Gemini Offshore Substation in Place (11 Photos)

The first offshore transformer station at the Gemini offshore wind farm was placed on top of the jacket foundation yesterday.

After installing the jackets earlier this month, the heavy-lift vessel Rambiz is also carrying out the rest of the work on the substation installation.

A joint venture between Cofely Fabricom, CG and Iemants, is in charge of the two offshore substations and one onshore station for the project. Each offshore station will be linked to the onshore one by a 120km long cable.

Owned by Northland Power (60%), Siemens (20%), Van Oord (10%) and HVC (10%), the Gemini wind farm is expected to be fully operational in 2017 and capable of generating clean energy for 1.5 million people in the Netherlands.

Offshore WIND Staff; Images: Gemini Windpark