Australia: Final CETO 5 Wave Energy Device Preparing for Installation

Along with the news about the successful installation of its second CETO 5 wave energy unit off the coast of Perth, Western Australia, Carnegie Wave Energy has also announced that the third and final CETO 5 unit has been moved to the Australian Maritime Complex (AMC) in Henderson for final fit out ahead of its installation.

The AMC is a world class marine industrial facility and will also be the likely staging point for Carnegie’s CETO 6 Project.

Current plans have Unit 3 deployment taking place after an initial Unit 2 run of some 30 days or so, subject to suitable weather conditions, and timed to coincide with the retrieval of the first CETO 5 Unit for onshore inspection.

Amongst other objectives, the 3rd CETO 5 Unit will be used to demonstrate operation and maintenance methodologies and, as such, may be held onshore for longer than 30 days to minimise installation and retrieval costs should Unit 1 continue to operate without needing to be retrieved onshore.

The first CETO 5 unit has now been operating for over 1700 hours, and has experienced a range of sea states, including waves up to 3.8m in height.

More than $30m has been invested in the design, development and construction of the Perth Wave Energy Project. The CETO technology takes an approach to wave power by generating both power and water from the ocean swell, while remaining fully submerged beneath the ocean surface, increasing its ability to survive large storms.

Image: Carnegie Wave Energy