1.2 GW Taiwanese Floating Offshore Wind Project Moves Forward

Planning & Permitting

The Huan Ya offshore wind project, being developed by Taiya Renewable Energy, has received preliminary approval of its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The Huan Ya offshore wind project will be located off the coast of Zhunan Township, Houlong Township, and Tongxiao Township in Miaoli County, Taiwan.

Source: Taiya Renewable Energy, LinkedIn

The wind farm’s surface area is about 74.08 square kilometres, the closest distance to the shore is about 27.5 kilometres, and the water depth is between 50 and 85 metres.

The wind farm is planned to use floating wind turbines. The maximum number of wind turbines is expected to be 71 and the maximum total installation capacity of the wind farm is 1,200 MW.

Recent news

Taiya Renewable Energy is also developing the Huanyang offshore wind project in Taiwan together with EDF Renewables.

This 440 MW project was awarded in the Round 3-1 Offshore Wind Zonal Development in December 2022, with a grid connection year in 2027.

The Huan-Yang wind farm is proposed to be built offshore the coast of Changhua county, in water depth of between 15 and 45 metres.


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