Triton OX2

OX2 Reveals Plans for New Wind Farm Offshore Sweden

Business development

Sweden-headquartered OX2 has unveiled plans to develop a new offshore wind farm, named Ran, approximately twelve kilometres off Gotland’s east coast within Swedish territorial waters.


Ran offshore wind project will be developed together with the Pleione offshore wind farm, which is located approximately 35 kilometres off Gotland’s east coast in Sweden’s economic zone (SEZ).

OX2 will apply for permission from the Land and Environment Court to build and operate the Ran wind farm, said the company.

In order for permission to be granted, approval from the municipality is also required, in this case from the Gotland region.

The consultation phase is planned to begin this month, where authorities and the public are invited to receive information, provide views, and engage in dialogue.

The project, which is in an early development phase, is planned to feature up to 121 wind turbines installed in the Ran area, all with a total height of a maximum of 310 metres, including rotor blades, according to the developer’s website.

Ran and Pleione offshore wind farms are expected to have a combined installed power of approximately 2.8 GW and are planned to generate 13 TWh of fossil-free energy per year, which corresponds to the annual energy consumption of 2.7 million households, said OX2.

“The completed wind farms will contribute fossil-free electricity for households, industry and business while creating jobs and infrastructure within the Gotland region,” said Emelie Zakrisson, responsible for the development of offshore wind power in Sweden, OX2.


The company is developing several wind projects offshore Sweden, including the 1.5 GW Triton offshore wind farm, located within the Swedish economic zone off the coast of Skåne.

Last month, OX2 received the Natura 2000 permit for its Triton project, and, if the government gives the final approval, the construction of the wind farm could start by 2027 and production before 2030, according to the company.


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