New Agreement to Bolster Vietnamese Offshore Wind Development

Contracts & Tenders

DNV, Institute of Energy Vietnam (IE), and PTSC Mechanical and Construction company (PTSC M&C) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to help grow offshore wind power in Vietnam.

The MoU is expected to promote the strengths of Vietnam’s leading units in consulting, design, construction, and installation combined with the capacity and experience of the world’s leading consulting unit in developing offshore wind power design capacity, according to the press release.

With the Government of Vietnam recently approving Power Development Plan 8, offshore wind development is considered one of the workable options for Vietnam’s energy transition, said DNV.

“DNV’s expertise will mitigate any risks and shorten the development period of offshore wind projects. This MOU is the start of an important collaboration, where we will be able to share our knowledge and support the energy transition in Vietnam,” said Hagsung Kim, Regional Manager, Asia, Digital Solutions at DNV.

While Vietnam does not currently have any active offshore wind power assets, the draft National Power Development Plan 8 sets a target of 7 GW of offshore wind power development by 2030. 

“Located in the strong and consistent Asian monsoon zone with more than 3,200km of coastline, Vietnam has tremendous potential for offshore wind power development,” said Tran Ky Phuc, General Director at the Institute of Energy. 

“As well as lowering greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring energy security, our emerging offshore wind power industry has substantial prospects for socioeconomic development, can form supply chains, accelerate the development of supporting industries, and provide jobs for local employees.”

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DNV software products included for use in the MoU include Sesam for offshore wind turbine foundation design and WindFarmer to help design wind farms and analyze energy production and cost-benefit. 

PTSC M&C is an engineering, procurement, construction, and installation company in Vietnam that has experience in oil and gas markets and is also a consortium member for the Hai Long 2 and Hai Long 3 offshore wind projects in Taiwan.


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