Maritime UK Launches Offshore Wind Plan


Maritime UK has unveiled its Offshore Wind Plan which makes a series of recommendations for how the maritime sector, the offshore wind sector, and governments can work together to maximise growth.

Venterra (Illustration)

The plan outlines how the growth of offshore wind can provide opportunities across the maritime supply chain in sectors like ports, shipbuilding, crewing, and professional services.

Opportunities identified in the Offshore Wind Plan include building vessels in the UK to support developments and further growing UK ports as centres for manufacturing and assembly for offshore developments.

Key recommendations and proposals within the plan include: creating quality career pathways for young people; rewarding higher UK supply chain content in offshore wind projects; reforming the planning system to enable green projects to be delivered quicker; and encouraging lenders and investors to finance infrastructure and vessels.

“Maritime UK’s Offshore Wind Plan sets out how delivering energy security through growing offshore wind can drive economic growth and job creation across the country through the maritime supply chain. With its people, expertise, equipment and infrastructure, the maritime sector is present throughout the lifecycle of offshore wind and is uniquely placed to deliver well-paid, high-quality jobs and new industries, particularly in coastal towns and cities,” said Robin Mortimer, Maritime UK Chair.

In partnership with Renewable UK, the launch of the Offshore Wind Plan will also see the birth of a new partnership between the Maritime and Renewable sectors.

ORE Catapult estimates that 149 Service Operation Vessels (SOVs) will be needed to serve rapidly expanding offshore wind developments in Europe by 2030, and up to 309 by 2050.

“To reach the Government’s target of 50 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, the offshore wind and maritime sectors will need to work collaboratively with aligned objectives to transform and rejuvenate ports around the country, enabling us to manufacture and assemble state-of-the-art turbines and other infrastructure at quayside locations,” said Jane Cooper, Renewable UK’s Director of Offshore Wind.

“This will create further opportunities for vessels to help us to install vital new projects, including innovative floating turbines further out to sea. There’s a natural synergy between our sectors which we’re keen to enhance as we move forward together”.

Maritime UK’s plan was unveiled at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s Operations and Maintenance Centre of Excellence in Grimsby, with the support of Associated British Ports.

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