A photo of Ocean Winds' Moray East offshore wind farm in Scotland

Ocean Winds Awarded CfD for 370 MW Offshore Wind Farm in Poland

Wind Farm Update

The Polish Energy Regulatory Office has awarded Ocean Winds, a 50-50 joint venture between EDP Renewables and ENGIE, with a Contract for Difference (CfD) for its 369.5 MW B&C-Wind offshore wind farm.

Illustration; Moray East offshore wind farm; Photo source: Ocean Winds

The project has secured the CfD at a strike price of PLN 319.60 per MWh (EUR 71.0/MWh).

The offshore wind farm site is located in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Poland’s sector of the Baltic Sea, approximately 23 kilometres offshore, and covers an area of 90 square kilometres in water depths ranging between 30 to 60 metres.

Obtaining the CfD is a key milestone for the project, bringing it closer to the final investment decision (FID), according to the developer.

“With this CfD award we reach an important milestone in the development of B&C Wind Project which will even accelerate now towards reaching the Final Investment Decision and start of construction”, said Grzegorz Gorski, COO of Ocean Winds and CEO of OW Polska.

“We have been already collaborating with numerous Polish suppliers in our projects in construction the UK, Belgium and Portugal and will be happy to work with them (and many more!) in their home country. This is also just the first step for OW in Poland, with Polish offshore wind program accelerating, we have the ambition, together with Polish partners, to develop, build and operate many more projects”, Gorski said.