RWE’s 3 GW Offshore Wind Bid Advances in UK Round 4 Leasing

Contracts & Tenders

RWE has been selected as the preferred bidder for two adjacent offshore wind sites with a total potential capacity of 3 GW in the UK Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4.


The awarded sites are in the shallow central area of the North Sea known as Dogger Bank, 110 km from the North East coast of England, close to RWE’s Sofia offshore wind project.

Source: RWE

The average price the company was awarded to lease seabed was GBP 82,552 per MW per year, which was the lowest awarded price during the auction.

As the next steps, RWE plans to start development works and preparation for consenting as soon as possible.

“The UK is one of the key strategic markets to expand our renewables portfolio and to strengthen our position as a leading player in offshore wind worldwide,” said Anja-Isabel Dotzenrath, CEO of RWE Renewables.

“We are delighted to be confirmed as Preferred Bidder by The Crown Estate. This success creates further momentum to boost our activities in the UK. As RWE we are determined to contribute to delivering the UK’s ambition to grow offshore wind capacity to 40 gigawatts by 2030.”

The Crown Estate will now progress with a Plan-Level Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to assess potential impacts on marine life in the preferred seabed area.

Subject to a positive outcome, RWE can secure seabed lease agreements expected in spring 2022, after which necessary development and consenting activities will take place, including comprehensive stakeholder consultation.

This is followed by participation in Contract for Difference (CfD) auctions, final investment decision and then construction. Depending on the availability of grid connection, the projects could become fully operational at the end of this decade.

The Crown Estate has also selected UK oil and gas major bp and German energy company EnBW as the preferred bidder for two major leases in Round 4 leasing.