Powerhouses Return for Offshore Wind Accelerator Stage 4


The Carbon Trust has launched the fourth stage of the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), with all industry partners returning to participate and fund collaborative research, development and demonstration projects.


Partners for Stage 4 are EnBW, Equinor, Ørsted, RWE Renewables, ScottishPower Renewables, Shell, SSE Renewables, and Vattenfall.

The OWA has undertaken more than 180 projects internationally since 2008, with 2018 analysis showing that OWA-supported innovations could deliver a 15 per cent reduction in the LCOE over a project’s lifetime, which translates to a GBP 34 billion saving for the European offshore wind industry based on the 2030 build-out targets.

“As a globally leading renewable energy player which now brings together the former renewables businesses of E.ON and innogy, RWE Renewables has been a long-term partner of the OWA programme,” Danielle Jarski, Renewables Director of Engineering, RWE, said.

”Thanks to the collaborative and determined approach taken by all partners, the OWA has driven remarkable progress within our industry, supporting the transformation of offshore wind from an embryonic, subsidised sector to one that is competitive and future-proofed. We now represent the combined expertise of two former OWA partners all under RWE Renewables, and we are looking forward to continuing this cooperation to support the global expansion of offshore wind.”

The next phase of the OWA aims to continue the cost reduction of offshore wind, overcome market barriers, develop industry best practice, trigger the development of new industry standards and support the international expansion of offshore wind.

OWA projects will be focused around the areas of access and logistics, cables, electrical systems, foundations, and energy yield and performance. This builds on previous work areas, but broadens the programme’s remit in line with developments in the offshore wind sector and the growing international market.

“Further reduction of costs is a constant factor of success in future offshore wind projects both in mature and emerging markets,” Georgios Stamatelopoulos, Senior Vice President – Generation, Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, said.

”EnBW is a strong supporter of the fourth phase of the industry-led OWA programme and appreciates the inclusion of wind farm operation-related aspects in the work programme that are becoming increasingly important for the competitiveness of offshore wind.”