HST Harri En Route to Belgium


High Speed Transfers’ (HST) new fast crew supply vessel HST Harri is on its way to Ostende, Belgium, to begin work on the Northwester 2 offshore wind farm.

HST Harri En Route to Belgium
Source: HST

HST Harri sailed out today for the long voyage towards the 219MW project, where it will carry out a five-year charter with MHI Vestas, according to HST.

The vessel will be joined by sister vessels HST Hudson and HST Sofia for the winter period, the company said, adding that HST Euan is making great progress in the fit-out shed.

HST Harri represents the third fast crew supply vessel that HST ordered with Damen under a contract signed at the beginning of this year.

It belongs to the FCS 2710 class unveiled in May last year, is capable of carrying 26 passengers and is able to operate in wave heights of more than 2m due to an extra meter of freeboard.

Northwester 2 will comprise 23 MHI Vestas V164-9.5MW turbines located 48km off the coast, making it the first wind farm to feature this turbine model. The 219MW project is scheduled for commissioning in 2020.