Baltic Sea Boulder Removal Squad Wanted

Contracts & Tenders

50Hertz Transmission GmbH has issued a tender for boulder removal services along the submarine export cable routes between the offshore wind farms in the German Baltic Sea and the landing point in Lubmin.

Image source: 50Hertz

The tender, part of the Cluster Westlich Adlergrund 2 Ostwind 2 project, is divided into three lots and covers the removal of all boulders with a diameter of 50cm or larger from three export cable corridors – OST-2-1, OST-2-2 and OST-2-3.

The corridor width is 12 metres, or 15m with water depths of more than 20m.

The OST-2-1 cable will connect the Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm to the German grid, OST-2-2 is for the Baltic Eagle wind farm, and OST-2-3 will connect the Baltic offshore wind farm.

The tender remains open until 2 July.