Koreans Back Swedish Multi-Turbine Floater

Business & Finance

Swedish floating multi-turbine platform designer Hexicon AB has agreed to join forces with South Korean integrated service provider COENS Co Ltd and form a joint venture company in Korea to be named CoensHexicon Co. Ltd.

Image source: Hexicon

The purpose of the partnership is to transfer the Hexicon floating platform technology to the new joint venture and offer serial production of Korea manufactured units for floating offshore wind
power in South Korea and other agreed markets.

“We are keen to transfer the innovative floating offshore wind technology from Hexicon AB to the Korean renewable energy expansion that will contribute to the offshore wind market in Asia and elsewhere,” said Steve Seo, Executive Vice President of COENS Co, Ltd.

Hexicon is the designer and developer of the world’s first multi-turbine offshore wind floating platform. The concept is scheduled to be tested at the Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project off the Scottish north coast.

According to Hexicon, the platform allows wind turbines to be deployed efficiently in remote areas where winds are stronger and more stable and the platforms are not limited by water depth. Wind energy farms can therefore be operational out of sight and in areas where the environmental impact is minimal.

“This is the winning formula for reaching the lowest cost of energy production in the floating wind power segment. The major Korean shipyard industry has a proven track record after decades serving the global Oil & Gas Offshore Industry. We are proud to have teamed up with COENS CO Ltd that leads the way with successful experiences working with the Oil & Gas Majors for many years,” said Henrik Baltscheffsky, CEO of Hexicon AB.