Danes and Norwegians Form Offshore Wind Research Pact


Denmark’s DTU Wind Energy and Norway’s Sintef Energi A/S have signed a Memorandum of Understanding as the first step towards a partnership on offshore wind energy R&D.

Image source: DTU

The University of Trondheim NTNU and other parts of the Sintef Group are going to be involved in the forthcoming development of the partnership, which will focus on three major wind energy areas: Offshore Network Development, Windfarm Control and Substructures for Offshore Wind Turbines.

With the partnership, the parties want to focus on industrial challenges for offshore wind energy and create a strong industry partner for the research and development needed to develop better and cheaper solutions.

“The partnership gives us an obligation to cooperate and coordinate in some important areas. At the same time, we get a common roadmap for research in the three selected areas. There is no doubt that international cooperation will become even more important in the future and we are therefore pleased and proud that we are able to conclude this cooperation with SINTEF, which has strong competencies and activities on offshore wind energy,” Peter Hauge Madsen, Head of Department at DTU Wind Energy, said.

The cooperation between Sintef and DTU Wind Energy does not exclude cooperation with other parties.