GeoSea Finalizes A2SEA Buy

Business & Finance

GeoSea, part of DEME Group, has completed the acquisition of A2SEA from DONG Energy and Siemens. 

Image source: A2SEA

A2SEA, operating out of Denmark, is specialised in offshore wind turbine installations. The company has about 160 employees and operates the offshore installation vessels Sea Challenger and Sea Installer.

The activities of A2SEA represent a strong and complementary fit with GeoSea’s operations, GeoSea said, adding that the combined organisation will be well positioned to provide a broader range of integrated services and solutions to offshore wind energy customers.

A2SEA recently completed installation of turbines on Burbo Bank Extension and is currently installing turbines at the Dudgeon offshore wind farm and the Race Bank offshore wind farm.

Upcoming projects include turbine installation on Arkona OWF, Hornsea Project One, Horns Rev 3 and East Anglia ONE.