EOLOS FLS200 Floating LiDAR Validated For Offshore Wind Measurements


ECN has reported that EOLOS FLS200 floating LiDAR performs in compliance with the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of the Carbon Trust’s roadmap for the commercial acceptance of floating LiDAR technology.

Photo: EOLOS Floating LiDAR Solutions

In October 2015, the EOLOS FLS200 floating LiDAR buoy completed a 6-month validation campaign next to the IEC-compliant IJmuiden offshore meteorological mast in the North Sea. The campaign has been carried out in collaboration with RWE Innogy and under the framework of, and supported by, the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), the Carbon Trust, as well as the Dutch R&D programme FLOW.

“It has been a great challenge to successfully complete the validation campaign and we are really satisfied with the results. The EOLOS FLS200 floating LiDAR buoy showed an excellent behaviour and system availability,” said Rajai Aghabi, CEO of EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions.

ECN carried out the 3rd party validation, reporting excellent correlation and availability results of the performance of the EOLOS FLS200, comfortably compliant with the KPIs of the Carbon Trust’s floating LiDAR roadmap.

Hans Verhoef, Project leader Measurements, ECN, said: “This marks another important step in the further maturation of floating LiDAR technology. Congratulations to all those involved!”

During the validation campaign several storms have hit the site, with recorded waves of up to 15 meters and winds of more than 100km/h, including the Cyclone Niklas at the end of March (considered as one of the strongest storms in Northern Europe in recent years).

“We have had the chance to prove not only the robustness of our system, but also the excellence of our logistics and operations,” Rajai Aghabi said.

Niels Bijkersma, Project Manager, RWE Innogy, highlighted the efficient response of EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions: “We worked together with the EOLOS team, who did a great job making fast decisions and reacting to the challenges that came up during the campaign. We are proud to have contributed to the validation of their system, increasing the confidence of the offshore wind market in this technology.”

Megan Smith, Head of Wake and Wind Resource research at the Carbon Trust, noted the importance of floating LiDAR for the industry: “Floating LiDAR offers a cost-effective alternative to meteorological masts, allowing developers flexibility with wind resource measurements. The OWA is pleased to have supported the successful validation of the EOLOS FLS200 against the Carbon Trust Roadmap.”

The EOLOS FLS200 has been developed with the support of the KIC InnoEnergy, the European company for innovation, business creation and education in sustainable energy. In 2015, EOLOS won the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Innovators Award 2015.

Mikel Lasa, CEO of KIC InnoEnergy Iberia, believes that the EOLOS FLS200 floating LiDAR buoy can become a game-changer in the offshore wind field: “The EOLOS FLS200 offers an innovative, low cost, accurate and reliable offshore wind data source. It is a product with a great potential in the wind energy market.”

“After going through the OWA Validation Campaign, EOLOS FLS200 is now a commercially available product. We have proven its high performance and accuracy and are now ready to offer a validated, cost-effective, reliable and accurate solution to the current needs of the offshore wind market,” Rajai Aghabi concluded.