Germany: WAB Organizes Legal Offshore Day

Germany: WAB Organizes Legal Offshore Day

German Wind Energy Agency (WAB), a part of the WAB business network, has organized a symposium about the legal rights relating to offshore wind energy entitled “WAB Legal Offshore Day”. 

Today, around 80 experts from the offshore industry are meeting at the ”WAB Legal Offshore Day” in Hamburg to exchange information on practical experiences and latest legal developments in the field of offshore wind energy.

German offshore wind industry is currently building six wind farms at sea, thus, it has answers to fundamental legal issues. Among other things, participants are discussing topics concerning contracts, insurance and maritime law.

The conference makes it clear that Germany is leading the way in offshore wind energy development, and that it provides innovative solutions not only in technology but also when it comes to legal issues.

The novelties regarding Marine Facilities Ordinance, German maritime and network connection regulations are also being presented today.

In addition to the annual public meetings, the Working Group members meet four times per year and deal with current legal issues in the offshore sector. Technical contributions thereby usually come from the participants – but if necessary, external experts are invited to speak on specific topics.

Aside to the Legal Working Group, there are more working groups within WAB that focus on topics such as foundation structures, logistics and installation, service and operation.


Offshore WIND Staff, September 12, 2013; Image: kfw