UK: Scilly Airport WEP Getting Closer to Reality

Scilly Airport WEP Getting Closer to Reality

The company behind a wave energy project in Scilly waters has announced progress in development of the project.

The London-based 40 South Energy is gathering all the data about the project in a scoping report, which will be submitted and discussed with the relevant authorities – the Islands’ Council and Marine Management Organisation for approval, The Cornishman reports.

Recently, the company has mapped out the area of the subsea cable route.

“Once permission has been obtained the company will be able to move quickly and put the first unit in place,” said Elisa Bertinelli from 40 South Energy.

The company plans to deploy three wave energy generators offshore St Mary, near the Scilly Airport with a total capacity of 450kW.


Offshore WIND staff, September 10, 2013; Image: 40southenergy