France: Energy Minister Announces Concrete Steps to Boost Offshore Renewables

France: Energy Minister Announces Concrete Steps to Boost Offshore Renewables


France: Energy Minister Announces Concrete Steps to Boost Offshore Renewables

Delphine Batho, French Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy announced the launch of a call for expressions of interest to promote demonstration projects in offshore renewables on Monday, according to news site.

The projects include tidal energy, wave energy, floating wind and ocean thermal technologies.

Furthermore, Ms. Batho disclosed information on exploiting the vast tidal resource of the Raz Blanchard, a sea passage between the western tip of the Cap de la Hague and the Channel Island of Alderney. The Maritime Prefecture of Cherbourg is planning to identify areas where new subsea demonstration farms could be installed paving the way for a start of a comprehensive consultation process on that matter.


Offshore WIND Staff, March 5, 2013; Image: 99traveltips