WINDFORCE Baltic Sea Conference in Stockholm, Sweden

WINDFORCE Baltic Sea Conference in Stockholm, Sweden

The offshore wind industry will meet in Stockholm on 20 and 21 February 2013. A first-time event, the WINDFORCE Baltic Sea conference will focus on the issues and challenges the industry faces to generate electricity at sea, and the developments and experiences which result from this undertaking.

Speakers at the event will represent the Swedish Energy Agency and Power Circle Sweden, as well as leading businesses in the offshore sector, among them wpd, EnBW, Windreich, A2Sea, Siemens, and Lloyds Bank. Speakers have also been invited from those countries bordering the Baltic that are planning or have already built offshore wind farms: Finland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Estonia and Sweden.

WINDFORCE Baltic Sea will continue to meet in a different Baltic country each year for two days of intensive exchange. “There hasn’t been an international event of this kind for the Baltic region so far”, explained Jens Eckhoff, managing director of organiser Offshore Wind Messe und Veranstaltungs GmbH, “and yet, the installation of wind farms in the Baltic Sea poses stakeholders its own set of challenges which we want to look at together now and in future.”

Next to presentations and panel discussions, there will be plenty of time to meet other participants and develop contacts, as well as enjoy dinner in a festive setting at the end of the first day of the conference. Participants registering before 31 December 2012 can take advantage of the 10 percent discount for early booking.


Press release, December 13, 2012; Image: windforcebalticsea