Morgan Sindall to Build GBP 10 Million IEB for Scottish Enterprise

Morgan Sindall to Build GBP 10 Million IEB for Scottish Enterprise

Morgan Sindall has been chosen to deliver Scottish Enterprise’s new £10 million Industry Engagement building (IEB) in Glasgow’s International Technology and Renewable Energy Zone (ITREZ).

The leading UK construction, infrastructure and design company won the contract to build the five storey, 53,819 sq ft office complex which is to become the headquarters for the new Technology Strategy Board funded Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult.

This new catapult will focus on technologies applicable to offshore wind, tidal and wave power. The Industry Engagement building will also offer Grade A office space for companies in the renewable energy sector which will focus on developing and capitalising on the growing renewable energy sector.

The IEB is the latest development in the ITREZ, a global research and development hub which brings businesses and academia together to work collaboratively on the development of the offshore renewables sector.

ITREZ also includes the University of Strathclyde’s Technology Innovation Centre which is home to academics from the University’s four faculties; science, engineering, business and the social sciences.

Eddie Carr, area director for Morgan Sindall, says: “The Industry Engagement Building sets the precedent for Scotland’s flagship International Renewable Energy Zone which offers companies a perfect environment to harness cutting edge research, access the best people and develop products which will help shape the renewable energy industry of tomorrow. Scotland is a world leader in the development of offshore renewable technology and we are pleased to have been chosen as the preferred developer for this scheme.” 


Offshore WIND staff, June 19, 2012; Image: Morgan Sindall