UK: North Devon Councillors Visit Offshore Wind Farms

UK: North Devon Councillors Visit Offshore Wind Farms

After a trip to the offshore wind farms, councillors have not changed their view regarding the proposed Atlantic Array, according to North Devon.

RWE, the company that proposed the Atlantic Array, organized a trip for twelve councillors and officers from North Devon, Torridge District and Devon County Council.

County and North Devon Councillor Rodney Cann said: “We couldn’t assess the visual impact because the two completed sites we saw were much smaller than the Array would be.

“I now have a number of questions which have been raised from the trip and I am concerned about our beaches and tide,” said Councillor Caroline Chugg.

Torridge District Councillor Jane Whittaker said after the trip: “I am as concerned now as I was before I left.”

Robert Thornhill, Atlantic Array development manager, said: “The visit to North Wales was arranged to give the councillors and officers the opportunity to experience an off-shore wind farm development first hand and enhance their ability to respond to the Array proposal.”


Offshore WIND staff, May 07, 2012; Image: rwe