Port of Grenaa: Offshore wind sector’s short route to wind farms

Ports & Logistics

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The port of Grenaa can play its trump card in the offshore wind energy game, simply by pointing out that its location is 10-18 nautical miles from the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm. This DOZG Energy project, costing €1.5bn, is attracting companies working in and from Grenaa, including A2SEA, MTH, Energinet.dk, Ballast Zedam, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Zexans, and Blue Water Shipping. “The project is opening the eyes of more and more people as to the possibilities of the port”, says Blue Water Shipping Branch Manager Frank Larsen. 

In 2011 Blue Water Shipping became established in the port of Grenaa quayside by acquiring local shipbroker and longtime business partner Oestship. Besides offering regular services to shipowners, operators, charterers, receivers and shippers, it is also the main port agency for the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm, the 111 turbines of which will become operational in December 2013. The company considers itself as being well prepared for the array of assignments coming to Grenaa, including the ones related to DONG Energy’s offshore wind farm in the Kattegat and the Hveiti A/S bio fuel plant in the Grenaa port area.

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Mr Larsen is in no doubt that Grenaa has become an important port of call and is geared up for future developments in transports of general and oversized cargo to destinations in the Baltic Sea. He explained to Offshore WIND that Grenaa has the equipment and facilities in place, including a 500 to 1,000m quay length, a berth ready to receive vessels of 10.3m draught, and a dedicated terminal for oversized cargo and dedicated infrastructure. Mr Larsen also added: “There will also be assembly facilities for wind turbines and rotor blades and such. We expect Grenaa to grow as an assembly port fit to handle larger and larger installation vessels, work boats and crewing vessels. The Anholt project will have a lease period of 25 years, keeping the port busy for quite some time. There is also a big project planned at Kriegers Flak south-east of Denmark for which the port is well suited.”

All developments close to Grenaa and further down are likely to guarantee work for years and years to come, simply because maintenance of offshore wind farms will be required once they have become operational. Mr Larsen estimates that the port will have 1,500 to 2,000 additional vessels berthing during the project phase, 85% of which will be by crew and work boats.

The Anholt Offshore Wind Farm project and other planned wind farms are bound to boost the economy and employment in the Grenaa area. Mr Larsen mentions several thousands jobs directly, or indirectly, related to wind energy. “That must have an impact on the area”, he observes adding that Grenaa has a very skilled working force.

Blue Water Shipping has been appointed local agent and business partner of Visser & Smit Marine Contractors (VSMC) which will install the inter-array cables at the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm. In a joint press release the partners stated that VSMC has extensive experience with this kind of commissions from its work at Horns Rev II wind farm and the London Array Wind farm. Blue Water Shipping is confident that it can live up to all expectations to serve the offshore wind sector properly.

Janny Kok