2195 results found for 'offshore wind sector deal'

2195 results found for 'offshore wind sector deal'
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  • 8 March 2019
    Business & Finance, Jobs & Recruitment, Ports & Logistics

    Norfolk and Suffolk have been named as the UK’s leading centre for offshore wind with the launch of a new cluster in conjunction with the release of the UK’s Offshore Wind Sector Deal. The Norfolk and Suffolk Offshore Wind Cluster is expected to help create thousands of new jobs and unlock investment in the local area […]

  • 22 May 2019

    The UK Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) has launched a new task force dedicated to finding innovative solutions to make the best use of electricity generated by renewable sources, including offshore wind. The Solving the Integration Challenge research project is a key part of the Offshore Wind Sector Deal announced in March, RenewableUK said. A group of experts and […]

  • 16 May 2019
    Business & Finance

    France has moved up two positions and is now the third most attractive destination globally for investment in renewable energy due in part to a new focus on floating offshore wind. This is according to the 53rd EY Renewable energy country attractiveness index (RECAI). As reported earlier, France intends to issue offshore wind tenders with a combined capacity of […]

  • 14 June 2022
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    Amber Baltic Wind Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shell, has submitted proposals for new offshore wind locations in the Polish Baltic Sea zone as part of the government’s latest tender. The sites included in the tender will help deliver Poland’s ambition of reaching 11 GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2040, Shell said. The […]

  • 16 September 2019
    Business & Finance

    Energi Coast, North East England’s offshore wind cluster, has recently expanded to include some of the leading offshore wind developers such as Equinor, innogy, and SSE. “The cluster now includes developers Equinor and SSE which are joint venture partners in Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farms and innogy Renewables, which is involved with the Sofia project,” Joanne […]

  • 8 March 2019
    Ports & Logistics

    UK ports are well placed to support the offshore wind industry, but a versatile and flexible planning system is needed to help ports prepare for the new opportunities presented in the Offshore Wind Sector Deal, the British Ports Association’s Chief Executive Richard Ballantyne said. ”This will be vital to ensure that ports remain agile and responsive […]

  • 8 December 2020
    Business & Finance

    The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) selected 32 UK companies working in industries such as oil and gas, aerospace and defence for its Wind Expert Support Toolkit (WEST) Pilot Programme, within which the companies will join those already involved in the renewable energy sector. The programme will support companies with products and services across the […]

  • 22 November 2019
    Business & Finance

    The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) and the Sharing in Growth program have joined forces to develop a new program that aims to improve the competitiveness of the UK offshore wind supply chain. The GBP 1.5 million Sharing in Growth – Offshore Wind program is expected to support the industry in meeting the targets laid […]

  • 13 November 2019
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance

    Vattenfall has contracted 3sun Group to carry out statutory inspections across its offshore and onshore wind farms. Under the deal, 3sun will provide inspections across Vattenfall’s 50 offshore and onshore wind farms in the UK, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. “Vattenfall is delighted to sign up 3sun Group, not just because it’s a great […]

  • 7 April 2020

    The UK Environmental Audit Committee has launched the Technological Innovation and Climate Change inquiry, with first focus on offshore wind power. Following the Government’s Offshore Wind Sector Deal in March 2019, the Committee will consider the opportunities that will maximize the industry’s potential and the challenges it faces in delivering greater capacity. The Committee is inviting written […]

  • 4 March 2020
    Jobs & Recruitment

    The UK offshore wind industry has pledged to employ at least 3,000 apprentices between now and the end of the decade, the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) said. They will work in a wide variety of jobs from turbine technicians and maintenance engineers to roles in management and finance, OWIC said. The sector also aims […]

  • 28 June 2023

    The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure has authorised Lloyd’s Register to conduct certification of offshore wind farms in accordance with the requirements introduced by the ministry in 2022. This authorisation follows the signing of the Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal, one of whose signatories is also Lloyd’s Register. The sector deal constitutes a permanent platform for […]

  • 29 November 2023
    Authorities, Business development, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Research & Development, Wind Farm Update

    Crown Estate Scotland has confirmed that seven offshore wind projects have signed Exclusivity Agreements as part of the Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas (INTOG) leasing round. The seven projects join the five Innovation projects that secured Exclusivity Agreements earlier this year, bringing the number of INTOG projects to 12 out of the 13 agreements […]

  • 31 August 2020
    Business & Finance

    Principle Power has joined the DeepWind cluster to promote the development of deepwater offshore wind in the UK. Principle Power said that DeepWind is an excellent vehicle to further deepen its relationship with local and international stakeholders and suppliers in order to drive the UK floating wind industry forward, particularly in the context of the […]

  • 24 January 2019
    Business & Finance

    The UK should aim at building as many offshore wind projects as needed to help deliver decarbonization targets in the power, heat and transport sectors, according to Chief Executive of SSE, Alistair Phillips-Davies. Phillip-Davies states that it is time the UK raises its offshore wind ambition, as the current goal of adding 1-2GW per year during the […]

  • 27 February 2020
    Business & Finance

    The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) and the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW) have established a cooperation to support the development of the offshore wind sector in Poland. The aim of the collaboration is to establish a multilateral Declaration of Cooperation for Polish Offshore Wind Energy Sector Development, which would be signed by the […]

  • 22 September 2020
    Business & Finance, Technology

    North East England’s offshore wind cluster Energi Coast is launching a new Innovation Group which aims to develop long-term solutions to meet the requirements for new technology in offshore wind. The purpose of the group is to progress major innovation opportunities for the region’s offshore wind industry in areas such as operations and maintenance and energy […]

  • 5 March 2020
    Authorities, R&D, Technology

    The UK’s Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) has launched a competition seeking proposals that can provide future offshore wind farm mitigation for UK Air Defence surveillance. The GBP 2 million innovation competition seeks to reduce and remove impact wind farms have on UK’s Air Defence systems to boost green energy growth. It includes alternative technologies […]

  • 3 September 2020
    Business & Finance

    Crown Estate Scotland is awarding GBP 500,000 for the development of the local offshore wind market. The funds comprise GBP 300,000 for Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council (SOWEC) projects and GBP 200,000 for environmental research. The awarding of SOWEC funding will be linked to criteria which include aligning with the goals of the Offshore Wind […]

  • 14 May 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance

    Vattenfall has signed a Framework Agreement with two UK and one Danish company to provide up-tower blade maintenance and repair at the company’s wind farms for a minimum period of two years. The Swedish energy company selected GEV Wind Power, James Fisher Marine Services, and Danish Blade Service to provide the blade maintenance and repair […]

  • 24 July 2019
    Business & Finance

    The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) has set up a new task force aimed at helping increase the number of skilled people working in the UK’s offshore wind sector. The Investment in Talent Group is developing a passporting system to ensure all parts of the energy sector recognize transferable skills and training, to enable offshore workers to move […]

  • 11 December 2023
    Authorities, Fixed-Bottom, Operations & Maintenance, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has resumed case processing of all pending applications for lifetime extension of existing offshore wind farms, which was paused due to the ongoing review the Danish authorities are conducting to determine if the country’s ‘open-door’ scheme is in breach of EU law. If the applications are approved, the Danish government […]

  • 7 July 2020
    Business & Finance

    Naval Energies has joined the DeepWind offshore wind cluster as part of its strategy to offer floating wind technology in the Scottish market. The French offshore renewable energy technology developer said it aims to join in the development of the floating wind sector in Scotland and offer its semi-submersible floater. “Naval Energies, a strategic player in floating […]

  • 14 November 2019

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged to increase the UK’s 2030 offshore wind target from the current 30GW to 40GW if his Conservative party wins the general election. UK’s current target to have 30GW of connected offshore wind capacity by 2030 was set with the launch of a new joint government-industry Offshore Wind Sector […]

  • 21 December 2017
    Authorities, R&D

    Scotland has published a new Energy Strategy setting the country’s goal of reaching 50% of renewable energy by 2030 and increasing the productivity of energy use across the Scottish economy.

  • 3 December 2020
    Business & Finance

    The Carbon Trust has launched a new joint industry programme focused on optimizing the integration of offshore wind. The Integrator is a programme designed to examine the interplay between offshore wind, existing infrastructure, and other technologies and developments to highlight opportunities for innovation investment.  It has secured support from six major offshore wind farm developers, […]