336 results found for 'Kailia Energia'

336 results found for 'Kailia Energia'
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  • 14 March 2024
    Authorities, Business development, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Research & Development, Wind Farm Update

    Renantis and BlueFloat Energy have submitted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Kailia Energia floating offshore wind project in Italy. After over a year of studies and research, the EIA report was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and the Ministry of Culture (MiC). The submission consists of the […]

  • 21 March 2024
    Business & Finance, Business development, Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Research & Development

    Euroports and Spain’s BlueFloat Energy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance cooperation in ports infrastructure and supply chain for the delivery of offshore wind in Europe. Euroports plays an indispensable role in the logistics and infrastructure framework essential for the thriving wind turbine industry, said BlueFloat Energy. “As the world increasingly turns […]

  • 15 January 2024
    Authorities, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Renantis and BlueFloat Energy have submitted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the Odra Energia floating offshore wind project to the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (Mase) and the Ministry of Culture (MiC). The EIA study, which marks the beginning of the EIA procedure for the floating offshore wind project, comprises a […]

  • 28 February 2024
    Business development, Research & Development, Vessels

    K Line Wind Service, together with Japan Marine United Corporation and Nihon Shipyard, has been jointly granted Approval in Principle (AiP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for the design concept of the multifunctional floating offshore wind farm support vessel (MFSV). The MFSV is designed to perform whole mooring works efficiently for floating offshore wind turbine […]

  • 21 February 2024
    Contracts & Tenders, Supply Chain, Vessels

    The Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) Line has placed an order with Kosaba Shipbuilding Corporation for a crew transfer vessel (CTV), the first vessel of this kind NYK has ordered from a shipyard in its home country. The hull of the new 28-metre-long, 12-pax crew transfer vessel will be built based on a […]

  • 21 May 2024
    Authorities, Business development, Floating Wind, Planning & Permitting, R&D, Research & Development, Technology

    The Japanese MODEC and Toyo Construction have jointly obtained approval in principle (AiP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for a floating structure and whether system and tether pile foundation for tension leg platform (TLP) type floating offshore wind turbine. In 2020, MODEC obtained AiP for the floating offshore wind turbines from DNV. This time, both […]

  • 12 June 2024
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Fixed-Bottom, Power-to-X, Project Updates, Storage, Wind Farm Update

    Ørsted has taken a final investment decision (FID) on battery energy storage for its 2.9 GW Hornsea 3 offshore wind farm in the UK, where the developer will use a Tesla system with a capacity of 600 MWh and a power rating of 300 MW. The battery energy storage system (BESS) will be installed in […]

  • 24 July 2024
    Business development, Research & Development

    TGS has completed a wind and metocean data collection project along the US East Coast, which the company describes as the largest in the region. The campaign involved deploying and simultaneously operating five offshore LiDAR buoys covering nearly 600 kilometres from Massachusetts to the Virginia/North Carolina border. Data were collected from July 2022 through July […]

  • 12 July 2024
    Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development, Technology, Wind Turbines

    Researchers at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have found that using electricity generated by offshore wind turbines to split water to produce clean hydrogen may make economic sense.

  • 4 January 2024
    Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    On 1 January 2024, the 112 MW Ishikari Bay New Port offshore wind farm in Japan began commercial operations, which is owned by JERA and Green power Investment Corporation, through a special-purpose corporation, Green Power Ishikari GK. The construction of the Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm began in October 2022 after the project’s […]

  • 3 November 2023
    Floating Wind, Project Updates, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group has unveiled that the world’s first offshore renewable energy project, which combines floating wind power and deep-sea aquaculture, has been completed in China. The project is developed by Longyuan Power Group, with Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group, a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric, providing the power generation equipment and towers of […]

  • 24 July 2023
    Business development, Floating Wind, Research & Development, Wind Farm Update

    A floating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) buoy has been deployed in waters off the coast of Brindisi, Italy, to conduct surveys and preparations for the construction of the Kailia Energia and Lupiae Maris floating offshore wind farms. Equipped with fully autonomous remote sensing devices, the buoy will remain inside the water for a minimum […]

  • 8 March 2022
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy have secured a 40-year maritime concession for the 1,350 MW Odra Energia floating wind project offshore off the southern coast of the province of Lecce, Italy. The Odra Energia wind farm will comprise 90 wind turbines installed in the Ionian Sea, between 12 kilometres and 24 kilometres off the south-eastern […]

  • 26 October 2021
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy are set to apply for permission to develop a second floating offshore wind project in Puglia, Italy. After filing for authorisation of a 1.2 GW floating wind farm in the waters off Brindisi last month, the partners will now seek permits to install floating wind turbines with a total capacity […]

  • 1 October 2021
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy have formed an equal partnership to develop floating offshore wind farms off the Italian coast. The new partnership also marks the start of the authorization process for the first project in Puglia, called Kailia Energia, in the waters off Brindisi. Kailia Energia‘s expected installed capacity will be around 1.2 GW, […]

  • 25 January 2023
    Business & Finance, Industry

    Italian steel company, Acciaierie d’Italia, and the Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy´s partnership have signed a letter of intent and have established a technical working group on strategic collaboration for the development of renewable energy projects. There are four potential development areas on which the technical working group will focus, including the Taranto-based company providing […]

  • 14 December 2021
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders, Jobs & Recruitment, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    The Falck Renewables/BlueFloat Energy partnership set up to develop floating offshore wind farms off the Italian coast has announced the creation of Minervia Energia, an ad hoc company to develop a floating offshore wind farm off Catanzaro, Calabria. Recognizing the potential for the floating wind technology in Italy, the developers have chosen Calabria as a […]

  • 20 May 2022
    Wind Farm Update

    Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy have submitted an application for a maritime concession for a site off the northeastern coast of Sardinia, where the two companies plan to build a 975 MW floating wind farm, called Tibula Energia. The companies, which formed a partnership to develop floating wind projects in Italy last year, filed a […]

  • 7 October 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    BlueFloat Energy and Falck Renewables, which have already partnered to develop floating offshore wind projects in Scotland and Italy, are now also exploring opportunities for building floating wind farms in the Celtic Sea off the coast of Cornwall and Wales. “The Celtic Sea offers great potential for deploying floating offshore wind farms due to the […]

  • 22 February 2022
    Jobs & Recruitment, Wind Farm Update

    Nora Ventu, a company set up by Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy, has launched a consultation to provide local communities with more information on two floating wind projects to be developed in the Gulf of Cagliari offshore Italy. Nora Ventu, set up to develop floating offshore wind farms off the Sardinian coast, has begun a […]

  • 2 October 2023
    Business & Finance, Fixed-Bottom, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Ocean Winds, a 50-50 joint venture by EDP Renewables and ENGIE, has sold 16.6 per cent of its majority stake in the Moray East offshore wind farm to Equitix. According to Ocean Winds, the sale will support the company’s investments in its additional 5 GW of offshore wind projects in Scotland. Following the transaction, Ocean […]

  • 9 December 2014

    RenewableUK was today celebrating a new daily record amount of electricity generated from wind. Official National Grid figures showed that on Sunday 7th December an average of 7.315GW of power was produced by wind farms. The previous record was 7.234GW. This means that 43% of all GB homes were powered by wind on Sunday. RenewableUK […]

  • 24 June 2013

      In cooperation with the transmission system operator TenneT TSO GmbH, scientists from the Fraunhofer IWES intend to develop a new method to set the operating reserve on a daily basis. The advantage of this new method is the possibility to include forecasts, e.g. for the power input for wind energy and photovoltaics. With this, […]

  • 2 February 2018
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    The Kem offshore wind project, proposed to be built off Kemsky District in Russian Republic of Karelia, could see a giant step forward this spring, when technical experts from China are scheduled to come and determine technical aspects for the construction of the 60MW offshore wind farm.

  • 29 November 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Chinese energy service provider Sinomec and the government of the Russian republic of Karelia have signed an agreement to cooperate on the development of the 60MW Kem offshore wind farm off Kemsky District. The project is valued at around RUB 9 billion (EUR 131 million) and will be financed by the government of Karelia, Sinomec, […]

  • 17 February 2011

    Wind power is one of the fastest growing sources of energy in the world. In last month’s State of the Union address, President Obama … By Kaitlin Walter (energyandcapital ) [mappress] Source: energyandcapital , February 17, 2011