40South Energy Receives Third Order for Its R115/150kW Wave Energy Converter (Italy)

40South Energy Receives Third Order for R115/150kW Wave Energy Converter (Italy)

40South Energy announced on its official pages on social networks that it had received a firm order for one R115/150kW machine from a third client yesterday.

The company further added:

This new client is an Independent Power Producer, and wants its first machine at the Elba WEP once it is consented. This same client expressed an interest in replacing 40South Energy Srl in the Punta Righini WEP, transitioning it to a production site from the current test configuration.
This would make them the first independent Wave Energy Park owner, thus opening up a whole new market segment. A company which develops a WEP and then uses it to host wave energy converters owned by third parties is the perfect model for distributed generation of electricity. Some or all of the machines can then be owned by a Utility, one or more investors or possibly even through a crowdfunding method, thus making the whole system totally “distributed”. 


July 4, 2013; Image: 40South Energy