Allen Archaeology Wins Triton Knoll Contract

Wind Farm Update

Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm has awarded its largest onshore contract to date to Lincoln-based archaeologists Allen Archaeology.

The contract, worth around GBP 500,000, will see Allen Archaeology carry out an approximate five months schedule of archaeological trial trenching works along the entire route of the project’s onshore cable corridor, starting later this month, including at the landfall location, the onshore substation and the Intermediate Electrical Compound sites.

Source: innogy

“Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm is a hugely important clean energy infrastructure project for the UK, and will make a significant contribution towards the Government’s drive for sustainable, low cost electricity for UK consumers and businesses,” Triton Knoll Project Director James Cotter said.

“This latest round of survey works will be our most significant onshore activity to date. I’m delighted that we’ve been able to appoint local firm Allen Archaeology to carry out this vital work. As Triton Knoll continues to progress towards achieving the key milestone of a Financial Investment Decision, we hope to be celebrating even more successes for local firms in future.”

During the trial trenching works, teams will be highly visible at times and will use JCBs or rubber-tracked vehicles to start the trench excavation process. Triton Knoll says these activities should not be considered to be the start of onshore construction and are required for archaeological purposes only.

Triton Knoll is being developed as a joint venture between Innogy Renewables UK Ltd (innogy) (50%) and Statkraft (50%), with innogy managing the project on behalf of the partnership.

At up to 900MW, the fully operational project would be capable of generating enough energy for around 800,000 UK homes.

The project will be located approximately 32km off the Lincolnshire coast and 50km off the coast of North Norfolk.

It has consent to install almost 60 kilometres of onshore underground export cable, an Intermediate Electrical Compound at Orby, and a new substation near Bicker Fen.