DEA Kicks Off Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm Public Consultation

Planning & Permitting

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has opened an eight-week public consultation on the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the plan for the revised southern location of the Hesselø offshore wind farm.

The public consultation of the revised SEA of the plan for the offshore wind project is planned to run from 5 February to 5 April. In connection with the consultation, a public meeting will be held in Gilleleje, where the results of the environmental report will be presented.

After the consultation, the DEA will examine the remarks, and if necessary update the plan accordingly.

In parallel to the SEA, the Danish transmission system operator (TSO) Energinet is conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the land-based part of the project. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency expects to issue the EIA permit in mid-2024, provided that the EIA process allows the project to be carried out.

The Hesselø offshore wind farm will have an installed capacity of between 800 MW and 1,200 MW with wind turbines installed in the Kattegat at a distance of approximately 30 kilometres from Zealand, 30 kilometres from Anholt, 35 kilometres from Djursland, and 33 kilometres from Sweden.

Offshore export cables will run to the landfall at Gilbjerg Hoved in North Zealand while a new high-voltage power station will potentially be constructed near Pårup.

The electricity from the station, which will be extended, will be exported through onshore-buried cables towards the existing high-voltage power station Hovegaard north of Ballerup.


The final tender material is expected to be published during the spring of 2024, with an expected final tender deadline in February 2025. The EIA of the sea-based part of the project is planned to be issued in 2025-2027 when the winner of the tender has been announced, DEA said.

The scoping phase is expected to be in 2025 and the second public consultation on the EIA report is planned to be carried out in 2027. Later that year, the DEA expects to issue the construction licence for Hesselø offshore wind farm, provided that the EIA process allows the project to be carried out, the agency said.

The deadline for the full commissioning of the wind farm is by the end of 2029.


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