Lithuania Approves EIA for Second Offshore Wind Farm

Planning & Permitting

Lithuania’s Environmental Protection Agency has approved the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the country’s second offshore wind farm, which could produce its first power as early as 2028.

Illustration; Source: Lithuanian Ministry of Energy

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the conclusions of the EIA landscape assessment team that the visual impact of the proposed offshore wind farm will be insignificant, as well as the impact mitigation measures and actions to be implemented and ensured by the developer during the construction and operation of the project, according to the Ministry of Energy.

“Over two years, important surveys and monitoring have been carried out in the Baltic Sea, conclusions and alternatives for the development of the wind farm have been drawn up, and presentations have been made to the public, interest groups and representatives of foreign countries,” said Daiva Garbaliauskaitė, Vice-Minister of Energy.

According to Garbaliauskaitė, the most environmentally friendly alternative has been chosen: the offshore wind farm will be developed within two kilometres of the boundary of the Natura 2000 protected area and the project models to be used can reach a height of 350 metres.

Poland, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark participated in the transboundary evaluation of the EIA report on offshore wind farms.

The second 700 MW offshore wind farm, for which the European Commission has approved a EUR 193 million state aid scheme, covers an area of around 136.39 square kilometres in the Baltic Sea. The project is set to be built about 30 kilometres from the coast.

The tender to select the developer of the offshore wind farm is scheduled to be launched on January 15 next year, with the date still waiting to be approved by the Government.


In October, the Lithuanian National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) confirmed the joint venture between Ocean Winds and Ignitis Renewables as the winner of the country’s first offshore wind tender.

The Ministry of Energy is planning two 1.4 GW offshore wind farms in the Lithuanian Baltic Sea.

The projects are estimated to be able to generate up to 6 TWh of electricity, which is around half of Lithuania’s current electricity demand.


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