Davi Opens its Doors to Innovative Solutions at the Global Wind Energy Seminar


Davi, a leading manufacturer of Plate Rolls and a prominent player in the Wind Energy industry, hosted the Global Wind Energy Seminar on October 5th, 2023. The event took place at the Davi Auditorium, located at the company’s headquarters in Cesena, Italy. The seminar brought together industry leaders, experts, and partners to discuss groundbreaking innovations in offshore foundations and tower components for wind energy projects.

Source: Davi

With a strong commitment to advancing the Wind Energy sector, Davi has been actively involved in providing innovative solutions for both onshore and offshore wind towers, as well as fixed-bottom and floating foundations. The Global Wind Energy Seminar served as a platform to showcase the latest advancements in the industry and foster collaboration among key stakeholders.

Davi would like to extend gratitude to the speakers from leading organizations who joined the event and shared their invaluable insights. Ørsted, Ocean Winds, Sif, Nucor, Pemamek and Lincoln played an instrumental role in enriching the discussions and enhancing the understanding of the critical developments shaping the future of wind energy.

Source: Davi

The event was a resounding success, thanks to the participation of nearly 80 attendees, including valued customers and partners from all over the world. It provided an exceptional opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and forging new connections within the Wind Energy community.

“We are thrilled with the enthusiastic response to our Global Wind Energy Seminar,” said Stefano Santoni, Director of Wind Energy & Heavy-duty Division at Davi.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our esteemed customers who attended the event and our valued partners who contributed to its success. Together, we are driving innovation and progress in the Wind Energy industry.”

Davi continues to be at the forefront of engineering solutions that play a pivotal role in the global transition towards renewable energy sources. The company’s dedication to sustainable practices and cutting-edge technology reaffirms its position as an industry leader.

For more information about Davi and its innovative solutions for the Wind Energy sector, please visit https://www.davi.com/int/en/wind-energy-2.

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